Good Advice Stands the Test of Time

Good advice stands the test of time.

This thought popped in my mind as I was thinking of ways to support the well-being of staff in the second half of the term.
When I was a kid, if I was teary or angry my parents would ask what was going on.

8 times out of 10 it was something to do with one of my siblings or a friendship issue I had. Other times I didn’t know what was wrong. It was usually because I was tired, sick, hungry, hormonal or D: all of the above.

My parents would say the following:

Can you do something about it and can we help?
Take a moment, it will be okay.
Have a cup of tea
You'll be right

Or a favourite from my dad

It will all sort itself out.

When reading articles around wellbeing a lot of the strategies are the same. They are often around taking action, taking a moment or taking the problem for what it is.

One I particularly love is 'if it won't matter in 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it'. This is all solid advice because every challenge I have had, every situation I have faced or any problem that has presented itself - I have lived through it and I am still here.

Good advice stands the test of time.

Whatever you are facing this week, you got this.


Schools are Like Gardens…


It’s Not You,