Swooping Season
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Swooping Season

It's swooping season in Australia where birds will protect their babies at all costs by attacking passers by. Do you have a proverbial swooping season in your workplace? If so how do you reduce the risk of injury and keep everyone safe?

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How AI Can Help You Audit Your Professional Workload.
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

How AI Can Help You Audit Your Professional Workload.

When you hear Artificial Intelligence or AI how do you feel? Are you worried about the future of your work or are you embracing the change? Harness the opportunity of AI to look at your professional workload and consider what you are still doing, why you are still doing it and how you can do things differently.

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The Open Door Policy
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

The Open Door Policy

Do you have an open door policy and if so, who does it include? Does your hospitality allow room for student voice or is it only space enough for the grown ups?

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Can I Talk to You?
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Can I Talk to You?

Time to consider our conversations! How do you approach the ‘Can I talk to you?’ line?

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I Love Feedback… but not really.
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

I Love Feedback… but not really.

How you approach feedback is just as important as how you accept feedback. When someone asks you how you feel about feedback, what would you say?

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Certainty in the Uncertain
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Certainty in the Uncertain

When people are looking to you for answers, how do you stay authentic? Steering the ship through a storm of uncertainty can be challenging for any leader so how do we support those and see the next steps ahead?

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My Favourite Term
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

My Favourite Term

Do you have a favourite school term? It’s a bit like your favourite burner on the stove or your favourite washing machine setting. A bit daggy, a lot happy and something that gives joy to those who take part in it.

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It’s All About Perspective
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

It’s All About Perspective

How do you present to your students, parents or colleagues on the average day? Have you considered how you might present from their perspective?

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The Cards We Pull
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

The Cards We Pull

When a conversation turns heated have you ever pulled a certain card to get your own way? It might be the boss card, the mum card, the sick card, the well-being card. This blog post encourages you to think of the cards you pull, how you pull them and perhaps what you could pull instead.

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The Words We Live By
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

The Words We Live By

What words do you say to encourage, motivate or inspire yourself? If you find it a challenge to push yourself along on a difficult day perhaps a phrase or two might give you the helping hand you need.

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Be where your feet are.
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Be where your feet are.

Where are you at the moment? Are you present or is your head in next week’s meeting or last week’s conversation? Take a moment to consider where your feet are and bring your headspace a little closer.

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Who is holding the power?
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Who is holding the power?

Have you ever felt like you have lost your confidence, sense of wellbeing or sense of strength? When situations or people challenge us, sometimes we can hand every sense of who we are across to them. How can you manage to reclaim your confidence and feel like you have a handle on things?

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Schools are Like Gardens…
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Schools are Like Gardens…

If schools are like gardens, how is yours growing? Is it bright, vibrant and healthy or is it overrun with weeds?

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Good Advice Stands the Test of Time
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

Good Advice Stands the Test of Time

It can come from anywhere at anytime. Good advice may be something that you don’t draw upon everyday but it sure does stand the test of time.

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It’s Not You,
Anne-Marie Maw Anne-Marie Maw

It’s Not You,

When someone gets upset at you, how do you manage it? Being told you are unreasonable or inflexible when you are just trying to make the best decisions possible can knock your confidence and have you doubting yourself. Have you considered that the feedback might not be the reality and perhaps just one person’s viewpoint of reality?

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