My Favourite Term

I love, love, love Term 3!

This time between July and September is my favourite time in the school calendar. I look forward to Term 3 each year and get excited about what I might see, learn, experience and reflect upon as the weeks unfold.

Why is Term 3 great? So glad you asked!

It’s is the halfway point of the year. Routines are established, Semester One reports have been shared and interviews have been conducted. Students have reviewed their goals from Semester One and have refined their goalposts for the second half of the year. Classes have their own personalities and by this time of the year there are in-jokes, routines, special celebrations and something that makes that class like no other.

In Term 3 we celebrate Science Week, Book Week, NAPLAN results are published (okay, so that last one is a weird celebration). As a community we recognise how far we have come and look forward to where we can go. It’s not too late, it’s not too busy, it’s not early days - to coin Goldilocks, ‘it’s just right’.

Term 3 is when the weather gets warmer, the days become longer and Spring is in the air. In Brisbane Australia, where I live, it’s the time of the Ekka which is like our version of the Royal Easter Show or the State Fair. We celebrate River Fire (another Brisbane thing - jump on You Tube and check it out, it’s amazing!) and we host the Brisbane Festival. There is a feeling of excitement, of accomplishment and of still having time on your side before the craziness of end of year and Christmas.

I love Term 3 because I do a mid-year check in with staff and start talking plans for the following year. I check in on my own goals, our school improvement plan and our targets we had identified 6 months prior.

Term 3 has a sense of possibility and also a sense of progress. It’s a time to look back and look forward and it’s a time where we still have time.

Term 3, let’s do this!



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