Be where your feet are.

Where are your feet now? Are they on the floor? Tucked under you? Balanced on a coffee table?

Now, where is the rest of you?

Are you still caught in yesterday's argument, thinking of the things you would have said if you had your time again?

Are you in tomorrow's meeting where you need to address a staff performance issue with one of your teachers?

Are you in the land of retirement, quitting or winning lotto numbers? Imagining your life's problems will magically be solved with a change of job status or an increase in your bank balance.

Are you in a battle with people who have long since moved on? People from years gone by, relationships past and childhood years?

So think again.

Where are your feet? Now, look up from your feet. Your legs are attached. So are your arms. So is your head, your heart, your hands.

Take a moment to be where you are. Feet to head. We spend way too much time living in the past and the future.

Take a moment and just be present in today.

Be where your feet are.


The Words We Live By


Who is holding the power?